Cherry Spot is where you will find all of your favorite porn stars stripping down and masturbating to orgasm. This exclusive porn site features over 900 scenes with a truly diverse set of babes using just about every sex toy imaginable! With an account you can stream or download entire videos as well as access an awesome array of free bonus sites. Normally Cherry Spot is priced at $29.95/month however if you join with this special offer you will receive a $10 discount and pay just $19.95/month. That is 34% off every month you are a member. This monthly plan however only includes the ability to stream videos. If you want to download, make sure to take advantage of our deal on a yearly plan. To lock in an even lower rate consider a yearlong membership for just $99.95 upfront. That is only $8.33 a month.
- Your favorite porn stars masturbating in high definition
- Each video can be streamed or downloaded in full
- Videos are packaged with matching high quality images
- Pay only $19.95/month instead of the $29.95 regular fee
- 1 month membership for $19.95 (33% off)
- 12 month membership for $99.95 (72% off)