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Petite Lover Discount - Save 40%
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Looking for the hottest petite porn models online? If so, be sure to take advantage of our deal on Petite Lover! This multimodel site features a current total of 45 different models, 174 videos, 452 galleries, and weekly updates. Our discount drops the price down to only $14.95 from the normal $24.95. That is a full $10 in savings off the regular price. In addition, you can also select a year long membership for only $99.95 if you wish. This option breaks down to only $8.33 a month.
Petite Lover Membership Details:
- 45 petite models
- Weekly updates
- $14.95 for 1 month of access
- $99.95 for 1 year of access
Available Discounts At Petite Lover:
- 1 month membership for $14.95 (40% off)
- 12 month membership for $99.95 (67% off)
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